Monday, December 21, 2009

Drew's Weekend 12/19-12/20

12/19 - 7am - Took Carolyn to the airport. Rewarded myself with a Acai Superantioxidant and a Jamba Juice Oatmeal.

9am - Started watching Rocky IV. I know it's a cheesy movie with three separate musical montages, but it's still really awesome. I mean...Ivan Drago is so big and strong - how does Rocky really beat him in the end?

11am - Went to play tennis against Tyler. He showed up a few minutes late, and I got some really nice work done on my spin serve. When we started playing, I got it in perfectly. It bounced in the front outside corner of the box, and it curved away from him - impossible to hit. I also had a couple nice power serves in that game, and it was easily my best serving game to date. I won 6-1 in our one set, but Tyler was trying out a new racket. I accepted the excuse, but I'm basically dominating him regularly. I am teaching him some new things, and I'm sure it'll be competitive again soon.

12:30pm - I start heading to the Stars/Wings game. I really, really hate the Red Wings, and I was hoping the Stars could pull it out. I was supposed to meet Woody at the Chipotle downtown, but I'm really bad at driving downtown. I'm also apparently really bad at finding parking downtown so I made a wrong turn and had to meet him at the AAC. He brought me Chipotle so that worked out.

2pm - Stars/Wings starts. The great Stars/Wings Anthem War takes place, and Woody and I both yell "Stars" during "rockets red glare" to drown out the stupid Red Wings fans. The Wings jump out to an early lead, but the Stars score four even strength goals and Turco does enough to win 4-3. The Stars tried that stupid thing where they try to hold a one-goal lead for 18 minutes, but it actually worked this time. My three stars would've been 3. Turco 2. Neal 1. Skrastins.

4:30pm - All the stupid Wings fans go home sad. I love it. As I walk out, I see Bob Sturm in a booth in the AAC plaza. I wave to him, and he waved back. Then, it took him a second, but he recognized me. It was pretty funny to see the transformation of "Hey, loyal P1" to "Hey, former intern!"

5pm - Bluetooth College began their 2011 season with a solid 42-3 win over Iowa State. All-American Scott Williams and All-American Mark Atkinson led the offense, and the very-young (mostly freshman) AWESOME defense did their part with two defensive touchdowns and two red zone turnovers.

7pm - Cowboys/Saints start. I'm going into the game with no expectations of winning the game, but part of me almost expected the cowboys to actually get the win...just so that they could let me down again in the next couple of weeks. But they started off the game with a 3-and-out defensively, and then they scored their first opening-drive touchdown in 18 games. Then they had another hold and another touchdown. Just like that, the Cowboys were up 14-0. It was pretty surreal.

8:30pm - As the Cowboys game goes into the half with the Cowboys holding a 17-3 lead, I continue to obsess about these kids across the hall. We've lived at the condo for a few months now, and I've never seen anyone come out of the door. I've heard stuff coming out of there, but I've never seen any real movement. But all night, kids were coming in and out of the door. I don't know why I found it so interesting, but I did.

10:10pm - After leading most of the game, including getting a 24-3 lead, the Cowboys start slipping. The Saints have come back again and again this season, they had the crowd behind then, and Drew Brees was tearing through our defense. After Romo led the Cowboys down the field to an extremely makeable field goal with just over two minutes left, Nick F'ing Folk steps onto the field. They showed some clips of his warm-up kicks, and they were doing something really weird. But this was a sub-30-yard field goal, and the ball was right in the middle of the field. For real...I could make that field goal. Nick Folk couldn't, though. Hit the damn post.

10:20pm - After several failed attempts to fast-forward into the future, the game finally ended with a Cowboys' win. I was really proud of the boys...I've been really hard on them, and I still can't allow myself to believe...but it's still a great win for the franchise. I didn't believe the defense would hold the Saints on the final drive, but they were able to do it. Their magic number to get in the playoffs is two, and they still control their own destiny to win the division. Should be exciting.

11:30 - I finish the night with the Ticket's post-game show on the radio and a nice episode of 30 Rock. Good times.

12/20 - 11am - After waking up late, starting my laundry, and having a pineapple breakfast, I start the day with my fantasy football show on I make a couple moves, but I'm fairly confidant in both of my playoff matchups.

12pm - I start watching football, monitoring my fantasy games. far so good.

2:30pm - Ashley and I head to Tucker and Keely's house. For about a week, I've been wanting to get together and play a friendly game of football. The weather was almost perfect this weekend, and Shep was in it worked out great. I wear my T.O. t-shirt for the first time since his release...along with my old baseball socks....pulled up. It was awesome.

3:00pm - We show up to the field and break into teams. Shep, Tyler, and me against Ashley, Keely, and Tucker. We do a bit of warming up, and it actually turned out that I had the best arm on the team so I was the quarterback. A few weeks ago, Tucker actually told me to hold the ball a little further back, and it's really help my spiral.

3:15pm - The scoring starts as I lead the team down for a TD pass to Tyler. I'd end up throwing three TD passes, all to Tyler. Unfortunately, I also threw the game-tying (and technically ending) pick-six to Tucker. But the highlight of my day was a huge pass that went for a long touchdown to Tyler. I basically threw the ball up as long and high as it would go, and it fell right into Tyler's hands in stride. A really cool moment for me.

4:30pm - After playing two more series with teams of JAM/Drew/Tyler vs. Shep/Tucker/Keely, we decide to stop. It was really fun, but then most of us rested while Tucker and Shep threw the ball around. Then, for some reason, Tucker threw the ball into our group, and for some other reason, no one told me it was about to hit me in the head. Then it hit me in the head. I already had a bit of a headache, and this really didn't help matters. I'm not sure who I was more upset with...Tucker for throwing the ball...or everyone else for saying nothing. I tink I no have brane damag tho.

6:00pm - I make a pretty delicious meal of pork chops, broccoli, and asparagus as I watch the end of the 3pm games. The Eagles win but the Packers lose. So the Cowboys are still in a good position to make the playoffs.

7pm - Waiting for Shep and Tucker, I start watching an old episode of the West Wing. Man...that show is really awesome. I wish they could've done a show with Bradley Whitford andRob Lowe about the Matt Santos presidency. Josh Lyman and Sam Seaborn are just great characters.

8:30pm - Shep and Tucker show up for Halo. It was really cool to see Shep again, and it sucks that he lives in Washington, D.C. But we all play pretty well, especially Shep...who hadn't played in a long time. We won a lot of our games, but the system kept putting Tucker on the other team. And in games that we lost...we were slaughtered.

11pm - The fellas leave, and it's time to go to bed. And even though I'm at work right now, I can say it was a great weekend.

Friday, December 18, 2009

So awesome, I will just copy/paste
Recently we found out that, according to Google's search, 303,000 people out there were "extremely terrified of Chinese people". We got deeper into Humanity's brain, and got a list of hilarious and scary findings:
Go to the US version of Google, and type what is in bold to find the following:
• 5,310,000 pages from people asking or answering: How to get pregnant.

• 69,400,000 people asking How to make money.
• 32,600,000: How to get over someone.
• 3,290,000: Who do I have to be to make you sleep with me.
• 841,000: I have a large cat in my pants.
• 3,300,000: I have a large uterus.
• 112,000: I have a lovely bunch of coconuts (lots of swallows surfing the web).
• 256,000,000: I want to die.
• 3,160,000: Why do I fart so much.
• 528,000: Why do indians smell.
• 63,500,000: Why do I sleep so much.
• 680,000: Why do I have green poop.
• 883,000,000: Why do I have no friends.
• 7,570,000: Why do I have diarrhea.
• 4,170,000: Why do I have so much discharge.
• 7,120,000: Why do I have to pee so much.
• 230,000,000: Why do I have gas or so much gas
.• 456,000: Why do men have nipples.
• 6,000,000: Why men don't call.
• 8,380,000: Why men lie.
• 11,000,000: Why women have affairs.
• 36,500,000: Why women lie.
• 94,200,000: Why Obama should be president.
• 19,100,000: Why Obama should not be president.
• 42,300: Why Luke Skywalker is an idiot.
• 1,610,000: I would like to buy a hamburger.
• 286,000: I would like to extend you an invitation to the pants party (at Jason's house, in Jason's pants).
• 818,000: I think im pregnant.
• 442,000: I hate Indiana Jones 4.
• Almost 800,000,000: Who do I vote for.
• 4,980,000: I want a new drug.
• 114,000,000: I want a wife (114 million people are nuts).
• 783,000: I have one testicle.
• 21,900,000: I have one more drink.
• 12,400,000: I have three breasts.
• 320,000: I have three testicles.
• 1,580,000: I have three girlfriends.
• 610,000: I have four sides, all opposite sides are parallel, I have no right angles. What am I.
• 159,000,000: When to work.
• 126,000,000: When to say I love you.
• 2,730,000: Sleep is for sissies.
• 2,890,000: I smeel like poop.
• 1,510,000: What is a recession.
• 1,400,000: I have a hard time swallowing.
• 338,000: I have a big bag of crabs here.
• 1,060,000: Sex is for making babies and revenge.

We. Are. Doomed.

My favorite part is how terrified we are of Chinese people. Extremely.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


The "sick" title is for two reasons.

1. I was sick this weekend. I'm a bit of a hypochondriac, but I was legitimately sick for the first time in a while. At one point, my fever actually rose to 101.7...which was a bit worrisome. In the same half-hour, I was burning up and shivering. It sucked. Luckily, there wasn't any nausea.

But being sick sucks. Really bad.

2. I'm a bit sick of the Cowboys, and I'm hoping that Jerry Jones is pretty sick of his choice of head coaches three years ago. As some of you might remember, Jerry Jones had his choice between Wade Phillips and Norv Turner as his head coach, and he chose Wade. Norv proceeded to go to San Diego.

I'm not saying that Norv Turner is the best coach in the world, and I'm not saying the Cowboys would've won a playoff game with him. But for his entire career, Wade Phillips-coached teams have failed in December. Since he arrived in San Diego, Turner's Chargers are undefeated in December. If only that part was fixed, the Cowboys would be a much more dangerous team.

I know the circumstances. Wade was brought in to fix the defense that was seen as incomplete under Bill Parcells. At the same time, Jason Garrett had already been brought in to be the genius for the offense. Since Turner is an offensive-minded coach, it wouldn't have made a lot of sense to have two offensive gurus...still having to find someone to run the defense.

Of course, there was thinking back then that Turner could mentor Garrett and the team could bring Mike Singletary in to coach the defense. It would've been a very expensive coaching staff, but it also would've been really awesome.

But here's the thing. Wade Phillips didn't fix the's still not up to the level of a defense with so many top picks. Jason Garrett made the offense look great one year, but it's struggled a lot since. I realize the Cowboys get a lot of yards, but they can't score. Jason Garrett is now Mike Schultz. Congratulations.

The Wade Phillips era has just been a disappointment in every way. The team is undisciplined, it underachieves, and there is zero accountability. Take a look at the Nick Folk situation...he misses some field goals and it's the holder's fault. They change the holder, and he still misses a field goal.

Communication is a mess. Wade Phillips doesn't know that his starting RB is hurt and can't play. Patrick Crayton finds out that he's lost his starting job through the media.

And I know it all starts with Jerry Jones. He's the main problem, but that's not the issue. And it's only not the issue because Jerry will always be there. He owns the team, he named himself GM, and he's not dying anytime soon.

So, until then, I'm gonna be mad at Wade. And mad at Garrett. And mad at the entire coaching staff. Because they can be changed...and until they find people who can work with Jerry's fascist system, we'll keep looking.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Odd Thoughts

1. Well, if I was looking for a sign...that was it.
2. On that note, why does that keep happening to me?
3. I was the only one who saw it. The only one who knew that it was Tommy driving the car. And to this day, it's the one thing I've never told anybody. I'm ashamed to be telling you now. Tommy never stole a car again, never did nothing, turned his whole life around. I mean he could've made it out, but he wasn't gonna let his brother be hurt again. And this was the day that changed Jimmy's life forever. Because Jimmy went to rehab. And Tommy? Tommy became everything he never wanted.
4. I'm really happy I didn't go to that Town Hall meeting. Although I still want the 31st off.
5. Shows I wanted to tape tonight? Six. Shows I successfully taped tonight? Zero.
6. I swear, I'm being haunted.
7. And just like's gone.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

You Get Hoynes

I've been watching a lot of West Wing on Bravo in the mornings, and tomorrow morning, they will be showing one of my favorite episodes - "Two Cathedrals". It's one of my favorites because of a scene at the very end. I might post the video tomorrow or tonight - it's definitely worth watching because it's extremely powerful. And here it is, in text form.

That's as good, right?

The below scene is President Bartlet inside a large cathedral after the funeral of an old friend in a tragic accident. He's speaking to God, full of anger and emotion. He's just let the nation in on a big secret that he's been lying about, and he's trying to decide if he's going to run again (or let Vice President John Hoynes run in his place). That's about all the context you'll need.

You're a son of a bitch, you know that? She bought her first new car and you hit her with a drunk driver. What? Was that supposed to be funny?

"You can't conceive, nor can I, the appalling strangeness of the mercy of God," says Graham Greene. I don't know whose ass he was kissing there, 'cause I think you're just vindictive.

What was Josh Lyman - a warning shot? That was my son. What did I ever do to yours but praise his glory and praise his name?

There's a tropical storm that's gaining speed and power. They say we haven't had a storm this bad since you took out that tender ship of mine in the North Atlantic last year. Sixty-eight crew. You know what a tender ship does? Fixes the other ships. It doesn't even carry guns. It just goes around, fixes the other ships and delivers the mail. That's all it can do.

Gratias tibi ago, domine. Yes, I lied. It was a sin. I've committed many sins. Have I displeased you, you feckless thug? 3.8 million new jobs, that wasn't good? Bailed out Mexico. Increased foreign trade. Thirty million new acres of land for conservation. Put Mendoza on the bench. We're not fighting a war. I've raised three children. That's not enough to buy me out of the doghouse?

Haec credam a deo pio, a deo iusto, a deo scito? Cruciatus in crucem. Trus in terra servus, nuntius fui, officium perfeci. Cruciatus in crucem. Eas in crucem.

[deliberately lights a cigarette and grinds it out on the Cathedral floor] You get Hoynes.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Arcade Fire - Rebellion (Lies)

Sleeping is giving in, no matter what the time is.
Sleeping is giving in, so lift those heavy eyelids.
People say that you'll die
faster than without water.

But we know it's just a lie,
scare your son,
scare your daughter.

People say that your dreams,
are the only things that save ya.
Come on baby in our dreams,
we can live on misbehavior.

Every time you close your eyes
Lies, lies!
Every time you close your eyes
Lies, lies!
Every time you close your eyes
Lies, lies!
Every time you close your eyes
Lies, lies!
Every time you close your eyes
Every time you close your eyes
Every time you close your eyes
Every time you close your eyes

People try and hide the night,
underneath the covers.
People try and hide the ligh,
tunderneath the covers.
Come on hide your lovers
underneath the covers
come on hide your lovers
underneath the covers.
Hidin' from your brothers
underneath the covers,
come on hide your lovers
underneath the covers.
People say that you'll die
faster than without water,
but we know it's just a lie,
scare your son, scare your daughter,
Scare your son, scare your daughter.
Scare your son, scare your daughter.

Now here's the sun, it's alright!
(Lies, lies!)
Now here's the moon, it's alright!
(Lies, lies!)
Now here's the sun, it's alright!
(Lies, lies!)
Now here's the moon it's alright
(Lies, lies!)
Every time you close your eyes
Lies, lies!

Every time you close your eyes
Lies, lies!
Every time you close your eyes
Lies, lies!
Every time you close your eyes
Lies, lies!
Every time you close your eyes
Every time you close your eyes
Every time you close your eyes

Lies, lies!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Horrible F-ing Weekend

This weekend sucked. Royally. I'll go ahead and get out of the way the fact that the Mavs, Stars, and Cowboys all lost their games. The Stars lost in a shootout so I guess they still got a point. The Mavs lost to the Hawks who are pretty solid. And the Cowboys are horrible in December. Their QB can't win in December, and their coach has never won in December. So that's not a surprise.

Let's talk about TCU. There were about five things that could have gone right for the them. None of them did.

And at the end of the day, we get Boise F'ing State again.

Are they kidding? Let's just start with the obvious. They're stuffing the two non-BCS teams in the same game, hoping that no one will notice and/or care. The BCS schools are tired of us beating them in big bowl games (we're 3-1), and they want us to beat up on each other.

And since we're both small schools, the attendence and ratings are going to be horrible. There's no way that such a game sells out the University of Phoenix Stadium, and no one is going to watch a couple of "no name" schools play each other. And I'm sure all the BCS big wigs are going to pay the Fiesta Bowl a pretty penny to make up for the lack of tickets and ratings - just so they can point to this game and say, "See! You guys don't draw. Why should we include you?"

It's a joke. An absolute joke. I know, for certain, that there are 2A Texas high schools that play harder schedules than Boise State. The WAC is the biggest joke in all of college football (moreso than the Sun Belt), and it's embarrassing to TCU that we have to play them. Because, honestly, it's a no-win scenario for us. If we win, we've beaten a glorified high school team. If we lose, we've lost to a glorified high school team.

Boise State and their horrible schedule, their dumb blue turf, and their stupid dumb face quarterback is everything that is wrong with the world. They do nothing to earn their spot, but they expect to be treated equally.

And I hope we slaughter them. Absolutely slaughter. To the point where they'll never be considered for a BCS bowl ever again. In fact, if I had my way, they'd have their football program disbanded at every level...including intramurals.

But I feel bad for the players and coaches at TCU because they have to play this team of high school punks. They go undefeated and this is their reward? It's an absolute joke, and I hope that everyone that helped make this decision lives to regret it.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Note to Self - Blog More

So I realized that I haven't been blogging much. Part of that is the idea that I'm not supposed to be on the Internet at work, and I would blog in my off time at work. Since writing long entries is noticeable, I've stopped. And since I don't usually remember about this thing when I'm at home, even when I have something important to write, I typically forget.

So I've made a December resolution to write more. And since it's 12/1, what better day to start. And what better way to start than with a nice "random Drew thoughts" post.

1. I have pink eye. I know all of the stereotypes and jokes you can make, but none of that applies to me. It all started when I noticed that my eye kinda hurt. Then I noticed that something was coming out of it. By the time Tucker and Ashley helped me think what it was, it was too late to do anything about it. I created a makeshift eye patch (I taped a kleenex to my face) so that the gross stuff wouldn't get on my pillow, but when I woke up, my eye was crusted shut. It was pretty gross, but I took a picture of it. I also took a really creepy picture of my eye patch in the dark. I got some antibiotic eye drops, and it already looks better. No oozing, at least.

2. Tucker and Keely bought a house, and we went over there the other day for dinner. Congrats to them. Also, congrats to wine.

3. I just reserved two tickets for the TCU bowl game. We won't find out what bowl we're going to until Sunday, but I'm definitely going wherever the game is. I really, honestly, can't wait until that game. This season has been so amazing, and I have full confidence that our team can play with anyone in the country. I hope the Frogs get the chance to prove it.

4. Tucker and Keely are both huge Texas fans. And as much as I like them, I hope Nebraska beats them in the Big 12 Championship game. I want the National Championship.

5. TCU offers bowl tickets based on season ticket "points" - you get a point for having season tickets, renewing them, giving money to the Frog Club, etc. I have 16 points. You need 100 to get out of the bottom level. I have some work to do.

6. Tyler had a great quote the other day. I'm not going to give the context, but it was awesome. He said, "I'm an asshole, I'm not the devil." I'm definitely going to use that line in a movie or two.

7. Speaking of that, I started on my next script. I haven't tried to sell the first one (which I really like) or fix the second one (which needs work) yet...but I started on number three. And when I say "start," I mean I've written one line. But it's a good line.