Friday, May 29, 2009
Party In the Dark
Tucker, having just beat me in tennis again, was over at our apartment. With no more television, video games, and computer to entertain us, we simply went outside. Ashley grabbed a couple of lawn chairs, and we sat out on the porch. It was a beautiful evening with very pleasant weather, and we had a nice little discussion.
And a funny thing happened - a few other people in our building come outside too, trying to figure out what had happened to the power. Our new friend from upstairs stopped and had her dinner, joining in our conversation.
Ashley and I also met another one of our building mates, a girl from upstairs who has been there since November. I've probably seen her a couple times since then, but it took the power outage for us to actually meet her.
And I got to thinking - I barely know any of our neighbors. Probably because, whenever I'm home, I'm sitting on the couch with the TV on. I'm never outside to see the people come and go, meeting people that I don't know. We have a porch, but I haven't spent an hour out there since we moved in sometime during the Jurassic Period.
I wouldn't mind doing that a couple times a month - getting out the chairs and sitting out there. Maybe grill some burgers and have some conversation. Maybe next time a couple more people will stop by and talk.
I hate it when the power goes out, but last night made it pretty cool.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
North Korea
Think about it. They're trying to build nuclear weapons, blatantly against the will of the rest of the world. They're taunting the rest of the world.
Note to North Korea - your country is pitiful. Adding a couple nuclear weapons doesn't make it less pitiful. You are a 10-year-old boy with one boxing lesson challenging heavyweights. Do you realize how many countries around you have nuclear weapons? If you fire one of yours, you will have about 13 seconds to enjoy your victory before you are wiped off the map.
They might be doing it for defensive purposes, but I've never understood the idea of trying MAD (mutually assured destruction). I don't think its a good consolation prize to destroy the world because you were destroyed. And I don't think nuclear annihilation is worth briefly knowing that Seoul has been destroyed.
I just don't see the reason to draw attention to yourselves, North Korea. Kim Jong Il runs his country with an iron fist - the people of his nation love him like a god even though he treats them like garbage.
Why rock the boat? Humans have shown an amazing lack of interest in rising up against genocide halfway around the world - you could live like a king and ruin your country and very few people would try to do anything about it.
But threaten them with nuclear weapons? That's something that will get people focused on you. Genocide with nuclear weapons is the kind of thing that will attract the big boys.
It wouldn't surprise me, not for a second, if China or South Korea or Japan or Russia simply struck first. And it wouldn't surprise me if China or Russia simply attacked with nuclear weapons.
And, you know what, outside of a few harsh words...I don't think anyone would really mind. Kim Jong Il has virtually no reputation in the world...and I don't think there'd be a huge backlash. Its probably the one use of nuclear weapons that wouldn't lead to World War III because it'd eliminate a huge threat.
True, innocent North Koreans would die. But the world has shown a complete lack of interest in the plight of North Koreans before. No one cares about them starving or dying from other methods - why would they care if they died via nuclear attack?
There are only a couple of ways for this to end, North Korea. All of them are horrible, and most of them end with your country massively radiated. Do yourselves a favor and get off the front page, or you're going to regret it. Trust me.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Bingo Night
I went to tonight's bingo with my oldest friend (a guy I've literally known since my birth) and my newest (a girl that just moved into my building). I'd told her, the new friend, that bingo night was one of the most fun (I don't think I said "funnest") things that are done in this community.
Like everyone else I've told this to, she was skeptical. Little kids and old people play bingo...not people in their 20s. But I stayed on it...reminding her three times in the last 24 hours (each time I saw her), and she came (hopefully not reluctantly).
And I think she had a really good time. But I'm not surprised...everyone has a great time. I've gone about seven times, and I've always had fun. Because bingo is one of those games where you almost feel like a winner every game. I can play ten games of tennis, and I might never feel like a winner (because I usually lose).
But in almost every game of bingo I've played, I'm usually 2-5 numbers away from a win. Every time, I get that feeling that I'm going to win, and its a bit addictive. In those seven-ish times I've gone, I've probably played between 60 and 70 games of bingo (at some point, they moved from ten games a night to just eight) and I've won once. But every time, I have fun.
And those of you who really know me know that I hate to lose. This is a game that I lose 99% of the time, and I still have fun.
Plus, there's alcohol and really good queso. And fajita nachos. And chicken fried steak. And Blue Moon on tap. And gift card prizes. And a big Samoan guy calling out numbers. Something for everyone.
So kudos to the Village Country Club for bingo night. And if the place where you live has a bingo night, you should give it a shot. You never might actually find yourself having some fun.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Drew's Day - 5/13/09
Fact #2 - My job is boring and stupid
Fact #3 - I love LOST
Drew's Day - 5/13/09
7:15am - Wake up to Muse in the News. Take shower, get first Stars Fantasy Scramble letter of the day.
8:00am - Leave for work
8:30am - Arrive at my desk for work, begin "working"
9:30am - Begin planning for the movie I'm going to go to. Tucker had told me that he couldn't go (my original plan), and he told me to wait to see Star Trek with him.
9:35am - Request to go to see Wolverine on Friday. I have a very limited choice (movie must start between 10am and 11am, and it must be less than two hours. I figure a nice brainless action movie will be a good work escape.
9:37am - Tucker texts me, tells me he can go today. We decide to go to see Star Trek at 10:30.
9:45am - Eat breakfast, knowing that I can't possibly eat any lunch.
10:00am - Prepare to leave, give false story to my backup at work.
10:10am - Leave for theater/theatre
10:30am - Trailers begin
10:32am - Really hot Megan Fox trailer for Transformers 2.
10:37am - Star Trek begins
12:45pm - Star Trek ends, head back to work.
1:00pm - Get more cereal, eat lunchfast.
2:00pm - End of DTC/FED cutoff
2:15pm - The power goes out at our building, no backup power starts.
2:30pm - With no work to do and no way to do it, I go get a coworker's iPod and begin watching Role Models, a movie I've never seen
3:50pm - With 30 minutes left in the movie, we're cut loose. I promise to finish the movie soon.
4:10pm - Arrive home, begin watching missed episode of Fringe.
4:31pm - Text winning answer to the Stars Fantasy Scramble.
5:00pm - Fringe ends, I go outside to throw the tennis ball.
5:20pm - Ashley comes home, I'm sitting against the gate, I barely move to let him in.
5:50pm - I leave for dinner with the family.
6:00pm - Family dinner starts
6:40pm - Family dinner ends, we go to Baskin Robbins for dessert. My sister and mother get ice cream, I get nothing.
7:00pm - Family decides to go to PetsMart, I convince my sister not to get fish.
7:20pm - I get gasoline, head home.
7:30pm - I begin watching the LOST recap special even though I know all the characters, plot details, and inside information already.
8:00pm - LOST finale starts. Ashley isn't home, but I start anyway.
8:45pm - I stop watching LOST finale, go outside to wait for Ashley to get home. CUNG
8:50pm - Ashley gets home, we decide that I'll get to a commercial break, and he'll watch the LOST finale later.
9:11pm - I get to a commercial (finally). I move into my room to finish with the finale, Ashley begins watching the Rangers' game.
10:00pm - LOST finale ends. I'm in a post-finale question coma.
10:10pm - I discover that the Mavericks' game started at 8pm and not 9pm. They're already down 10+ points in the fourth quarter.
10:18pm - Surprise, surprise...C.J. Wilson gives up the lead.
10:40pm - Hank Blalock hits a two-run double to win the game for the Rangers.
10:43pm - The Mavericks end up losing the game.
11:01pm - Annie calls, we discuss the LOST finale.
11:30pm - LOST finale discussion ends
12:00am - Listen to the rest of the Mavericks' Playoff Postgame Show
12:04am - Sleep
Final Notes
- Hours of Work - 2
- Number of Movies Seen - 1.67
- JJ Abrams Franchises Watched - 3
- Frosted Flakes Meals - 2
- Record in Pro Sports Game - 1-1
- CUNG - 1
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Do Dreams Have Significance?
And dreams are a big part of that. I go to sleep, almost every night, a bit scared of that moment where you lose consciousness....almost mainly because of the idea that, at some point, your subconscious will take you to some crazy dream world.
For example, last night I had a dream that my apartment burned to the ground (with all my stuff). While I was investigating, my car got towed. A second dream revolved around me trying to fight off intruders inside an Island Paradise mansion.
And I've always wondered whether dreams are telling us things. Is some sort of higher power trying to warn me to make sure I turn off the stove and check my electrical outlets? Or watch where I park? Or do a better job protecting beach side property?
Because some dreams make sense. If you spend all your time thinking/worrying about something, you will likely dream about it. I find myself dreaming about big sporting events the night before...because I've spent most of my day anticipating it coming. Some dreams are prompted by movies or television...if you watch Dawn of the Dead, you might have nightmares about running from zombies.
But what about the ones that come out of nowhere? Is that God's ways of communicating important information to us? Does our subconscious know things that we don' us clues and warnings that we should remember in our waking lives?
And what about the dreams that we opposed to the ones that we immediately forget? Are the ones that we remember more important than ones that we can't? Or are the ones we lose first the ones that are the most crucial to remember.
There was a stretch a couple of years ago where I kept a dream diary pretty regularly. And every once in a while, I'd read it. And while I'm pretty sure that I'm not psychic (at least in dreams I can remember), I do realize that my subconscious is insane. Some of the things I dream about are crazy, and its strange to think that Dream Drew accepts all the things that happen.
All in all, I wish that dreams didn't exist. That, at night, we could simply flip a switch and fall asleep for the designated time. Where, outside of emergencies, nothing would wake us and we could get the optimum level/quantity of sleep. And, to us, it'd be like we'd flip the switch and immediately wake up refreshed.
Because, between cryptic dreams and horrifying nightmares, I don't really see the point. And if my subconscious needs a creative outlet, I'll give it a blog too.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Review of the Conchords
So how did it turn out? I thought it was about as good as I was expecting.
Flight of the Conchords is one of those things that you either get or you don't. I don't think there are people that just kinda like them...either you hate them or you love them.
Of course, I didn't always love them. I first heard about them on the Ticket a couple years ago, and I decided to give it a shot. My life was lacking comedy, and I thought it would be a good idea. And at first, I didn't really like it. It was too dry...too random...too awkward.
But I stuck with it. I gave it another shot. Rewatched the premiere.
And, in a second, I got it. And after that, I was hooked. I got Ashley hooked. I got others hooked. I told them all that they'd have to acquire a taste for it, but once they did, they all liked it as much as I did. I enjoyed most of the first season...designed around songs that the Conchords had been playing for years. Business Time, Part-Time Model, The Humans Are Dead, Albie the Racist Dragon.
Towards the end of the season, the songs started slacking, though. In fact, the season finale didn't have any songs by the Conchords....just a song by the Crazy Dogggz (a rival band) and an instrumental song that Bret danced to.
This scared me a bit...because in a matter of ten episodes, the guys had already used up years worth of material. And some of their new stuff (written specifically for the show) didn't really work. Now, in their defense, two songs ("Frodo, Don't Wear the Ring" and "Cheer Up, Murray") were written specifically for the show and were genius.
Then came season two. I was so excited about season two that I watched the premiere at work (don't tell work). It was posted on, and I was able to watch it.
And while I thought it was funny, something felt wrong. Something was off. And that's the way the entire second season felt. At times, it would be really good and really funny....but the songs were just not right.
Because the songs were the memorable part of the show. Outside of a couple exchanges, the songs from the first season were the funniest part of the show. In the second season, it flip-flopped. And the show itself isn't nearly as funny when the songs are drawn-out and unfunny.
In other words, the first season got an A. The second season got a C. Not failing...but also not great.
In the review I read about the show, I heard that there were a lot of second season songs, and I was a bit worried about that. I didn't want to go to the concert where the band plays all their new stuff and just a couple of hits. I wanted to hear all my favorites from the first season and maybe a couple of the funnier second season ones.
Well...I'd say it was about even. They played a lot of second season stuff and a lot of first season stuff.
The first season stuff, of course, was great. Business Time and Part-Time Model were especially great...and I love the two rap songs from the first one (I think "Mother Uckers" is particularly genius). But something really surprised me about the second season songs.
They were actually pretty funny in a concert stage. Something about being there made it a bit funnier to hear "Too Many Dicks On the Dance Floor" or "Sugar Lumps" - to the point where I enjoyed them a lot more than I thought I would.
And then Bret and Jemaine were really funny, of course. They bantered amongst each other...not exactly in character but close enough. They made fun of all the condom places in Dallas. They wished a guy Happy Cinco De Mayo after he yelled it to Bret. They were just about as funny as I expected.
It wasn't perfect, though. We were in the fourth section, about a million miles from the stage and in the balcony. So I spent a lot of the concert looking at the screens instead of trying to watch the actual band.
And they didn't play a couple of my favorite songs. Like I said, "Frodo" and "Cheer Up, Murray" were a couple of my favorites, and they didn't play either of those...probably because they aren't really "concert" songs. "The Tape of Love" is another one of my favorites, but I read that one isn't one of their usual concert songs either.
I was also really surprised that they didn't play "The Humans Are Dead" - I would've assumed that would've been their opener or their closer. They came out in the robot costumes, but they didn't open with it. And despite two encores, they never came back and played it.
And until the house lights came on, I was sure they were going to come out a third time and play it. But it never happened...and that made me a bit sad.
But they played for about two hours and entertained throughout. It probably won't be the best concert of my life, but it definitely did its job and entertained. And I guess that's about all I should expect from a couple guys from New Zealand.
Welcome To My Life
"Welcome To My Life"
A Simple Plan
Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don't belong
And no one understands you
Do you ever wanna run away?
Do you lock yourself in your room?
With the radio on turned up so loud
That no one hears you screaming
No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels all right
You don't know what it's like
To be like me
To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life
Do you wanna be somebody else?
Are you sick of feeling so left out?
Are you desperate to find something more?
Before your life is over?
Are you stuck inside a world you hate?
Are you sick of everyone around?
With their big fake smiles and stupid lies
While deep inside you're bleeding
No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels all right
You don't know what it's like
To be like me
To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life
No one ever lied straight to your face
No one ever stabbed you in the back
You might think I'm happy but I'm not gonna be okay
Everybody always gave you what you wanted
Never had to work it was always there
You don't know what it's like, what it's like
To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like (what it's like)
To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life
Welcome to my life
Welcome to my life
Monday, May 4, 2009
But not me. Tomorrow, I will be celebrating New Zealand heritage. Because I'm going to go see Flight of the Conchords in concert. I read a review of a show this morning, and I'm really excited. As much as I was disappointed in season two of the show, I think Bret and Jemaine are pure genius, and I can't wait to see what they offer in a concert setting.
I took off definitely expect a post-concert review. Until then, it's business time.