Wednesday, May 27, 2009

North Korea

North Korea is stupid. Very stupid. I really can't imagine what they think they're doing...because what I think they're doing is slowly, but surely, destroying themselves.

Think about it. They're trying to build nuclear weapons, blatantly against the will of the rest of the world. They're taunting the rest of the world.

Note to North Korea - your country is pitiful. Adding a couple nuclear weapons doesn't make it less pitiful. You are a 10-year-old boy with one boxing lesson challenging heavyweights. Do you realize how many countries around you have nuclear weapons? If you fire one of yours, you will have about 13 seconds to enjoy your victory before you are wiped off the map.

They might be doing it for defensive purposes, but I've never understood the idea of trying MAD (mutually assured destruction). I don't think its a good consolation prize to destroy the world because you were destroyed. And I don't think nuclear annihilation is worth briefly knowing that Seoul has been destroyed.

I just don't see the reason to draw attention to yourselves, North Korea. Kim Jong Il runs his country with an iron fist - the people of his nation love him like a god even though he treats them like garbage.

Why rock the boat? Humans have shown an amazing lack of interest in rising up against genocide halfway around the world - you could live like a king and ruin your country and very few people would try to do anything about it.

But threaten them with nuclear weapons? That's something that will get people focused on you. Genocide with nuclear weapons is the kind of thing that will attract the big boys.

It wouldn't surprise me, not for a second, if China or South Korea or Japan or Russia simply struck first. And it wouldn't surprise me if China or Russia simply attacked with nuclear weapons.

And, you know what, outside of a few harsh words...I don't think anyone would really mind. Kim Jong Il has virtually no reputation in the world...and I don't think there'd be a huge backlash. Its probably the one use of nuclear weapons that wouldn't lead to World War III because it'd eliminate a huge threat.

True, innocent North Koreans would die. But the world has shown a complete lack of interest in the plight of North Koreans before. No one cares about them starving or dying from other methods - why would they care if they died via nuclear attack?

There are only a couple of ways for this to end, North Korea. All of them are horrible, and most of them end with your country massively radiated. Do yourselves a favor and get off the front page, or you're going to regret it. Trust me.


  1. not try to go into political commentary.

  2. Hello Rodney - Thank you for your trite response. I assume, since you did not elaborate, that you don't want to try either. I would really hate to try to top "political commentators" that I've seen on television because they're extremely intelligent. Oh wait...

    Let me guess. Your policy on North Korea is laissez faire. Let them do what they will and then you and your hippie friends will preach and protest war. Realizing that you and your hippie friends never protested the human rights violations that are going on inside the country.

    As for my commentary, realize that I didn't say anything, one way or another, about attacking North Korea. Nor, really, what any country should do about it.

    I simply said that what North Korea is doing is stupid. North Korea is one of the most backwards countries in the world, so I'm not sure that's really breaking news. If you've seen the satellite image of North Korea at night, you'll know what I'm talking about.

    I also said that I wouldn't be surprised if some other country simply attacked them to get them out of the way. And that people, who obviously don't care as much about the North Korean people as the nuclear weapons, wouldn't really care if North Korea was wiped off the map by China or Russia.

    If you have some sort of evidence against either of those points, I'd be extremely excited to hear them.
