Monday, June 29, 2009

Script #2 - Update

Looking back at previous entries, I saw that I began updating everyone on the progress of my first script. I thought it might be fun, if I ended up selling the script, to be able to look back and see what I was thinking.

Well I'm apparently awesome at updating because...I finished that script a long time ago. And I'm actually well into writing my second one.

So, just in case, here's a quick update.

Football script? In the books.

New script? About 90 pages about as long as the first one already, and I'm not really to act two yet. So while the first one is probably just long enough, this one is already too long. Which is probably the way to do it...there are things that I could trim or cut...but that's easier than adding a whole new plot thread so that the movie stays over 90 minutes.

This is a story that I've wanted to get on paper for a long time because it's fascinated me. I'm not going to give the synopsis here, but I've probably told most of you the story anyway. If you're curious, its the story about baseball.

Writing scripts is pretty easy, I think. I'm able to write quickly, and it really suits my "stream of consciousness / to the point" style of writing. I still have no idea how I'm going to get any of this sold to an agent/studio, but it's been fun writing them. Once I get this one on paper, I think I'll really look into getting them sold.

But that's what I said about my second novel...and I'm no closer to selling either of them.

Oh's still fun. I'll try to update again when I'm finished.

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