Tuesday, May 11, 2010

An Open Letter to the Writers of Lost

Dear Writers,
How are you? I am fine.
I'm actually a better writer than that, but I think that's a funny way to open a letter. And you obviously appreciate humor, so I will continue.
Thank you for your most recent episode, "Across the Sea." It was a great episode, getting to meet young Jacob. Learning about the early years of the Island is pretty fascinating, and I'm glad we got to see it all before the show wrapped up.
You answered a lot of questions in the episode, as you promised. We learned that, in fact, Jacob and the Monster are brothers. We learned the identities of Adam and Eve. And we learned about how Jacob's brother became the smoke monster. We also learned what was so special about the Island. Well, kinda. But we won't worry about that just yet.
But you didn't answer a question that I've had since the end of season five. You've shown us this "evil" character in black several times since the season five finale...heck, he's now a major character on the show.
But we don't know his frickin' name! We have an entire episode where we learn the guy's origins, and I still don't have a name for him. I'm tired of using one of the myriad of fan names - Fake Locke, Flocke, the LockeMonster, the Monster, Jacob's Enemy, Jacob's Brother, the Man in Black, MiB, Esau, etc. Give him a name so that we can put all of the other stuff to rest. I've never had so much trouble talking about someone in conversation because of all the different designations for a single person.
Call him Jimmy. Call him Bob. Darryl. Jimmy. Stu. Claus. Dante. Frankie. Carl. Zeus. Isaac. Peter. Zane. Dixie Ray. Pollyanna. Drake the Magnificent. WonderDude. I.P. Freely. Hugh Jass. Homer Jay Simpson.
I don't care what his name is...just give him one so we can stop worrying about it. Because I don't think anyone thinks of it as this huge mythological question. If you end the show with his freakin' name, it's not gonna make us "ooh" and "ahh". It's a name...we just want something to call him. And by having an entire episode and not mentioning it, I think you're just being jerks.
By the way, love the show. It's been amazing the entire time.

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