Then came Saturday night. One of my sister's friends was having a birthday party...and that, of course, meant a night on the town. This particular friend has been nothing but sweet to me for as long as I've known her, and she's come to my birthday party on a few occasions. So I really wanted to make sure I attended.
At the same time, Keely called and asked if I wanted to be a part of a surprise she was throwing for Tucker. She wanted to take him to Idle Rich Pub because they had a good vegetarian burger. Then she wanted to go to the Ritz Carlton to see a friend DJ. I agreed, with the idea that I would need to go to this birthday party afterwards. But, knowing my sister and her friends, I knew that wouldn't start until later.
We got to Idle Rich for dinner, and Tucker, Keely, and I had a great time. As usual, when Tucker and I get together, we dominate the conversation with our standard topics (sports, Community, The Wire, The Shield, etc). What's funny is that a lot of these topics happen to be things that Keely doesn't like. And, in fact, Tucker pointed out that Keely was probably thinking that it was a bad idea to invite Drew on their little date. But, don't worry...Keely ends up winning this story.
Dinner was cool. Very chill - as Tucker said, bars are really nice and fun before it gets too late. But then Keely wanted to go to the Ritz. Which didn't sound like my kind of scene, but she was really excited about it. We got there, and we promptly planted on the couch.
For the rest of our time there, Tucker and I didn't move. Keely socialized and would occasionally bring people over. You see, Tucker is a really cool person that doesn't like to be social. And, for the most part, I'm uncomfortable with a lot of social situations. And rich people trying to impress each other is one of the situations.
It was fun people watching, though. The women, older and younger, wore their little dresses and highest heels. Some looked really good and a couple looked a bit ridiculous. The guys wore ironic t-shirts or their nice stuff. Tucker and I were dressed pretty casually, but we made no effort to fit in.
Of course, we were at the Ritz. On the weekend before the Super Bowl. Which, while also being a football championship, is also the championship for hookers. And it was a bit fun to look for which girls were there for fun and which were there for work.
When that time ran out, I was off to Knox/Henderson. Something that Uptown Dallas and Knox/Henderson have in common is miserable parking. You end up parking somewhere where you aren't terribly sure if your car will be there when you get there. And if it's there, you probably have a ticket. Either that or you're parking ten miles from your destination in a neighborhood you probably don't want to be in.
But after my sister changed the bar we were going to about ten times, I got there. And, man, that was a different scene.
The people both places were the same. Guys trying to act cool. Girls trying to look hot. But while the Ritz was about appearance, the Knox/Henderson bar was more about the alcohol. As soon as I got to the bar, an extremely intoxicated girl was trying to put her phone in her back pocket. Unfortunately for her, she was wearing a dress with no pockets. So she kept trying to lift up her dress and put her phone in some non-existent pocket in her stockings...while her friends kept reminding her that she didn't have pockets.
The girl was cute, by the way. If you're working on a visual image.
At the Ritz, the music was there but not overpowering. At one point, I pointed out a song playing that was referenced earlier in the night. Even after I pointed it out, they still couldn't hear it.
At the other bar, the music was everything. Girls dancing. Guys standing next to the girls doing something that resembles a dance but is actually just an attempt to touch or see or get noticed. At one point, "I'm On A Boat" came on and stopped everything down. Everyone knew the lyrics or, at the very least, pretended to.
So three different places. Three different atmospheres. Drunk people singing to piano music. Rich people trying to impress themselves (and, if there's time, other rich people). And young people proving to each other that they're young (and, equally important, hot).
And I had fun all three places. One places was simply for the people watching, but at least Tucker and Keely were there to talk to.
And, no, I didn't leave with anyone any of the three times. Although I did drive Lane and one of her friends home. And had to carry the friend into the house. But she did leave me a nice message this morning, thanking me. So that's something.