In college, I briefly had a blog called the Pre-Ramble. I thought it was a cool name, and I thought it might be fun to write and have people read. I was a sports columnist for the TCU newspaper at the my thoughts already had an outlet. But blogging was new, and it seemed like a cool idea.
But then I realized that people aren't really going to care about what I have to say. My thoughts aren't necessarily smart or unique, and I don't have enough close friends that care about what I have to say anyway. And even when I made this blog, I knew those things were true. I didn't get a whole lot smarter since the first blog, and I probably have even less friends.
But I've come to realize that this blog isn't really about you. It's about me. Sometimes thoughts just feel more real when they've been typed out. When they can be read on a computer screen. When anyone with the right address can find them. I'll often find myself thinking of something and consider putting it on facebook. But then realize that a couple hundred people might read it. Here, it's probably a dozen.
And, often times, I'll write things to myself in language that only I can understand. Reference things that other people, even those closest to me, couldn't possibly understand. Because those posts have an audience of one, and I just do it for myself. You'll have to ignore those sometimes because they have a cathartic effect on my mind and soul.
So for those of you that read here, I appreciate it. It's cool that some of you take the time to read what I have to write. This isn't something that I really advertise, and some of my friends don't even know that this place exists. So if you're here, you're probably important to me in one way or another.
So here's to 200 more posts. Three more years. And hopefully good times and better days.
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