But recently, I haven't felt super healthy. Maybe it's because I haven't been working out as much. Or because I'm getting lazier with what I eat. It all started in Delaware, where I wasn't able to cook for myself as much as I would've liked. Lunch was a lot of fried foods (I had a lot of General Tzo's chicken and cheesesteaks), and dinner was out of my control a lot. When I got back, I made a concerted effort to eat better, but with work and school, it's hard sometimes.
I decided to try and be vegetarian for lent, but I'm not sure that's what I need to do. On the Ticket, they always advertise a health plan (I will tell you which one only if it works). It's a bit expensive, but I've always wanted to try it. It's supposed to help you lose weight because it's a combination of healthier foods and working out (sweating) at least 20 minutes a day.
But, for me, it's not about losing weight. I'm at about 170...which I think is a good weight for me. The diet, for me, will be about detoxification. Getting rid of free radicals in my body, getting the right kind of fats, and eliminating a lot of the bad stuff. There will be no sugar, there will be no dairy, there will be no wheat, there will be no fruits. A lot of vegetables, lean meats, and a protein shake in the morning.
I've never followed a diet before. Outside of giving up fast foods, I've basically eaten whatever I've wanted for my whole life. And I'll be giving up a lot of the things I eat and drink for the next three weeks.
But I'd like to feel healthier. I'd like to eliminate cravings for bad foods. I'd like to sleep better. I'd like to feel less stressed. And all of these things are promised, according to this plan. It promises to help you as long as you take it seriously.
Well, starting tomorrow, I'm going to take it seriously. And, of all days, I'll be starting it on Super Bowl Sunday. It's not only an ironic day due to the gluttony that tends to happen on that day - it's also a day of significance for me for another reason. So a rebirth on this day will be fitting.
The first few days of it are supposed to suck. And that will be interesting. I'm supposed to meet a friend for dinner at a bar on Tuesday (day three)...which will be interesting since I'm not supposed to have any alcohol. And Lane's birthday is going to fall during the three weeks (her birthday will be, approximately, day fourteen), and I'm sure I'll have to give a lengthy explanation to all of her friends why I'm not drinking that night.
But it should be interesting. I'm going in with an open mind and a hopeful heart. I'd like to feel better, and I'm hoping this will be step one of doing so. And if it works, I'll give some nice publicity for the five of you who will read this. And the hundreds in the Netherlands who apparently check this place out.
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