Saturday, September 10, 2011

Thirty Blog Challenge - Blog 2

Blog 2 - Something you love about yourself

I'm really lucky. As much as I like to focus on the bad, I "won the genetic lottery" as Tucker likes to say it. To be born where I was, to the family I was born to, in the time I was's one in a billion luck. I could've been born as a starving child in Africa. Or during the Black Plague. Or as a Cubs fan. It could be so much worse.

My family is great, and my mother gives me endless strength because she's faced challenges that make my problems seem like nothing. My friends are great and offer enormous support. I'm healthy, safe, and intelligent. I'm able to do things that 99% of the world can only dream of, and that's an amazing blessing.

There's a Twitter hashtag called "first world problems," and it's really funny to read sometimes. Problems with lattes and books and DVDs and smart phones. But the fact is that it's true. We have problems that most of the world wouldn't even consider. There are people that are starving in Africa. Not starving like "I skipped lunch and am starving" but actually starving - to the point of death.

I'm so blessed to be able to be on this blog. On the internet. In a safe and wealthy country. In a relatively safe time. I'm surrounded by good people that love me (and some that simply tolerate me). And as bad as I think life can get sometimes, it could be infinitely worse.

And I'm glad that I have people in my life that can remind me of that. Because God knows I need it more than I should.

1 comment:

  1. DIdn't that feel good?

    A couple of those a day and your outlook on life is so different.
