I actually have a few people that would make this work. I could start off with my wife. She's beautiful, fun, and she somehow loves me as much as I love her. We go to sporting events, dinners, movies, and long evenings on the couch. And during all of this, we just laugh. I would say her name here, but we haven't met yet.
I could say my mother, who isn't quite as fictional. She's taught me a lot about life, and she's one of the happiest people I've ever met despite the fact that she's been through twice as much trauma. She could've quit a number of times, but she refuses to. She has a strength and faith that I can only hope to tap into. And as much as I don't like being my father's son, I love twice as much to be my mother's son.
I could say my roommate Ashley. We're practically common law, and it's one of the most functional friendships I've ever had. We can talk about a number of things, and we always seem to be on the same wavelength. It isn't a perfect friendship, but it definitely works. He's smart and creative, and I think we're a lot more similar than either of us would be willing to admit. And he's always there for me when I need something. Anything. If he hadn't needed rescuing from Stephenville, I don't know where I'd be right now.
But I guess I'll just be super gay and say Tucker. I haven't known Tucker as long as I've known Ashley, but he's had a profound impact on my life. After a rough start to our friendship (Tucker admits that he doesn't like meeting new people, and that he makes it hard to get to know him too much), we bonded because of a similar situation - we were both unemployed.
And thanks to Halo, tennis, The Wire, and a collection of other things, we became close friends. I don't know if he'd call me his best friend, but he's definitely mine. He and I see the world in a similar way, even though he and I come from completely different places. I look up to him like an older brother, and I value his opinion more than I often value my own. He sees things in me that I'd like to see, and he's done a lot of hard work to try and help me get there.
When we were moving out of our old apartment, I went to a fantasy football draft for work. I was going to go to the draft, come home, and clean up the apartment. But when I got back to the apartment, I found Tucker inside my bathroom, scrubbing the bathtub. It's one of the worst jobs that he could've been doing, and I felt terrible. While I was out having fun, he was cleaning my bathroom. And that's Tucker - he's willing to do just about anything for his friends. And maybe that's why he chooses to have so few.
I often joke that Tucker is the "best case scenario" version of me. That if I tried as hard as I could to perfect myself, I could be him. And, in a lot of ways, he's the person I'd like to be. He has a great job that he loves, a loving wife, and he seems to have found happiness. He's always smiling, and he's always making those around him smile.
He's always done so much for me, and he's always looking to do more. And as hokey as it sounds, I'm so very honored to call him my friend.
And I totally mean it. As gay as this is going to look and sound, I absolutely do. And I don't even care that he's going to make fun of me for it.
I will make fun of you in a minute, but right now I'm crying, so hold on.
ReplyDeleteI am honored to be your friend. But if the five years from now Drew isn't as cool as the current Tucker, then the current Tucker will have failed as a friend. Luckily I don't fail, and you don't have far to go, so buckle up.
Since I don't spend much time about the past, your post about our past gets turned into a response about the future in my head. I'm looking forward to it.
Oh, and remember that movie Dating Service? Not as gay as your post or my response. Love you buddy.
Every little thing about this makes me extremely happy. Deliriously happy! Like that one time I tried to make up a story about a squirrel named Sally and her dandelions type of uninhibited happy.