Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Terrell Owens

Tonight, the Cowboys cut Terrell Owens, and I'm not really sure how I feel about it. It's on the front of my brain right now...moreso than watching the Mavs beat the Spurs. Moreso than missing LOST tonight.

Because I think, in the end, I liked T.O. I realize that he was a bad influence in the locker room, and I realize that he was a "team cancer." I know that Witten hated him and Garrett hated him. And that Romo was probably more tired of him than anything. He ran bad routes and had bad hands. He practiced poorly and probably influenced the receivers negatively.

But in the end, Terrell Owens did everything he could to make sure his team won. Because a lot of people think that T.O. is a selfish person, and I don't think that's correct. I think T.O. wants the team to win more than anything, but he honestly believes that the only way the team will win is if he gets the ball. He's definitely a narcissist, but he wants to use his talents to win.

And while the team has one less knucklehead, they also lost a guy with a lot of heart. And this was a team that was already short on heart.

What to do now? The team needs to use the salary cap space that has been cleared (if, in fact, some has...I've heard conflicting reports on this), and they need to use it wisely. Sign another WR, sign a DE, or sign a safety. I think I'd be okay with Roy Williams, Witten, Crayton, Austin or Hurd, and the three RBs in our offense...assuming that everyone can finally get along. The defense is probably still going to be fine, but we're losing a lot of people this offseason and there hasn't been much in terms of replacements.

I really can't believe it's come to this. I really thought T.O. and the Cowboys were going to win a Super Bowl. Now it's over, and I'm not really sure how I feel about it.

I wanted to talk Mavs and Spurs tonight, but Jerry did what he does best. He stole the spotlight.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a step in the right direction. It takes a lot of things to win a superbowl, and consistent hard work during practice is one of those things. TO could never do that, and he influenced others to screw around in practice.

    For the Cowboys to be better, they need to consistently want to get better, and they need to work hard as a team to get there. Dropping TO and Roy is a small step in the right direction. We aren't through the woods, but we are going in the right direction.
