Friday, January 21, 2011

The Mountain West Conference - Jealous Girlfriend

TCU and the Mountain West Conference had a pretty solid relationship for a few years. TCU had been dating Conference USA, but the Mountain West was a little bit younger and a little bit cuter. But as time went on, the Mountain West started getting a bit comfortable. She started putting on a few pounds, and she started getting nosy and into TCU's business. At the end of the day, TCU decided that the relationship wasn't working. Particularly when TCU met the Big East Conference. She wasn't perfect, but she had a lot of the qualities that TCU was looking for in a partner. TCU broke it off with the Mountain West and started dating the Big East.

But the problem was that TCU and the Mountain West had an apartment together. And the lease couldn't be broken. Even though they'd broken up, TCU and the Mountain West had to share the apartment for another year. And even though the Mountain West said she was happy for TCU, she eventually morphed into a jealous bi-atch.

The above story is true. Flat-out true.

I can't believe that the Mountain West is openly telling TCU to screw themselves. We have a conference in Division 1 football openly rooting for one team in its conference to beat another. And, to me, I just think that's ridiculous.

Last season, Nebraska fans claimed that the Big 12 officials were giving calls to other Big 12 teams because Nebraska had already decided to leave for the Big Ten. But you can always make that argument - no team has ever thought the officials were on their side.

But the Mountain West is openly siding with Boise State over TCU. Boise State is the new darling for Mountain West (the new boyfriend in my above scenario), and TCU is leaving. You can't blame either team for their move - the Mountain West was supposed to be a big step up for Boise (and still might be), and the Big East is obviously a big step up for TCU (if only for the automatic bid to the BCS).

But, officially, Boise is coming into the conference to replace Utah. And, because of that, TCU is supposed to host the game with Boise State in 2011 (TCU would've hosted Utah this season had Utah stayed in-conference). Despite this, the conference is trying to get the TCU-Boise game moved to Boise.

Why? The only explanation I've seen, all from unofficial sources, is that a Boise win would help the conference more than a TCU win. Boise being good benefits the Mountain West more than a TCU win. We have a conference openly rooting for one team over another.

Um...are you kidding me?

The whole thing is supposed to go to a vote soon, but I'm guessing it will get passed. TCU is obviously mad, and Chris Del Conte (the TCU AD) is complaining. He needs to be calling the other ADs and let them know that, if they're going to screw TCU, they could screw anyone. And the first call he might need to make is to Boise State. Because, at some point, Boise will be joining the Pac 12 or the Big Ten...and I'm guessing they won't want home games stripped from them.

Because TCU/Boise will sell out. In Fort Worth or Boise. That's a sellout that one team is going to get and one team is not going to get. And, especially considering that TCU already lost a probably shutout when Tech backed out, TCU really could use that home game.

I understand it's a business for the Mountain West, but it's also a business for TCU. And, yeah, TCU is leaving...but the relationship was positive for both sides. And it's really low for them to openly cut TCU's legs like this. It costs us money, and it forces us to scramble to fill the schedule. We already lost one game because BYU left. We lose another as Tech leaves. And now we need to find teams that are willing to come here to cover the loss.

And the funny thing is that the Mountain West has ZERO chance to crash the BCS with just Boise. The Mountain West is now the WAC West, and one great team won't get them in. So this is just screwing TCU just because they can.

I felt sorry for the Mountain West because they got so close to being with the big boys and lost out. Not anymore. This is petty and stupid, and I don't respect that.

1 comment:

  1. I'm the way the world works, and I approve of this message.

    (the above person is not saying it's right, just that it happens. Good luck TCU, beat the poo out of them in Montana or wherever and then get your first automatic bid. hook'em)
