Friday, April 29, 2011

A Dead Dynasty

Tonight, the Spurs lost to the Grizzlies. It means several things:

1. The Spurs fans will throw out their tired "4-0" argument. Which is fine.

2. The Spurs become the second team to lose to an 8 seed in the NBA playoffs. Welcome to the party, San Antonio. It sucks.

3. The Spurs Dynasty is dead. Duncan is done. Ginobili is losing it. Parker can't do it by himself. It was a great ride, and you accomplished a lot. Yeah, you cheated to get into the lottery. Yeah, you had the most improbable lottery win in NBA history. And, yeah, you happened to have that happen in one of the few years when a franchise-changing player was available. Congratulations. But you sold your soul for four titles...enjoy mediocrity for the rest of your franchise's existence.

It's over. Forever. And I love it.

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