Monday, April 25, 2011

Mavericks Update

Let's see what this team is made of tonight. There are a couple possibilities that I see:

1. Tyson Chandler (and company, which could include Shawn Marion and maybe someone else) takes this team on his back. Emotionally and physically. And finds a way to get over the Mavericks' past angst. He seems to be the only guy strong enough to absorb all the Mavericks' demons, and even then, I don't know if he can. The team will rebound, take command back in the series, and move on to the second round.

2. As they've done time and time again, this kind of adversity simply kills them.

If #1 happens, I'll believe again. If #2 happens, I've already applied for a temporary fan card for the Memphis Grizzlies. It's been approved, but I still have to sign it.

Show me something, Mavs.

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