Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Tonight was the premiere of season five of LOST. And if there's something that I love/obsess about more than sports, it's probably this show. I spent the majority of the day thinking about what was going to happen in tonight's episode...anticipating the premiere as much as I've anticipated anything in recent memory.

The show is so beautiful to layered that it is hard for me not to get excited. I do not read spoilers (or even watch the after-episode promos), but I love going to Lostpedia and reading everything I can. Looking at character bios, making connections between characters, re-reading episode summaries to remember things I'd forgotten. You know, basically doing a wikipedia surf in a site dedicated exclusively to LOST.

I'm the kind of fan that immediately gets the inside joke from the writers. Who recognizes the obscure character before anyone else. I did that a couple times tonight.

And I'm fairly certain that my future wife will have to love LOST. Probably not as much as me, but she's going to have to appreciate the show for what it is. Because this show speaks to me more than many other things (music, politics, movies, etc) and I think that's a personality quirk that I think would have to match with me.

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