Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Big League Chew

*Disclaimer - The following blog shouldn't make any sense. Don't feel bad if you don't get it

If I could ask you what you really want at this moment, I'm sure you'd come up with a lot of things. But one thing I'm pretty sure you wouldn't think of is Big League Chew. Now...hold that thought.

Let's put you at the checkout counter at the supermarket. You look over, and you see a big pouch of grape-flavored Big League Chew.

Same question...what do you want? I'm guessing the answer is grape-flavored Big League Chew. You can only get it certain places so it usually doesn't cross your mind. For me, a similar thing is the white chocolate Nestle Crunch bar. I'm not sure if they even make it anymore, but I buy it whenever I see it. It's a rare treat.

I have a point to this, but it doesn't really matter what it is. The moral of the story is that, for the moment, I've found some Big League Chew. But, sometimes, Big League Chew isn't enough. Sometimes, I really want pumpkin cheesecake. And that's something even more rare.

So if you find Big League Chew, get it. But if you can find pumpkin cheesecake, you can't pass it up.

1 comment:

  1. I know a lot of people who just eat the pumpkin cheesecake when they can get it, and eat the BLC when they can't. I'm not sayin'. I'm just sayin'.
