Monday, May 17, 2010

A couple thoughts

1. I watched the "Modern Warfare" episode of Community. One of the best episodes of any show I've seen in a while. There's a chance that it's about to pass 30 Rock on the list of NBC comedies. If you haven't seen it, go do so.

2. Time Warner Cable was doing so well with Mad Men. I was on a great pace of two episodes a week. Then it moved to three, which was harder but manageable. Tonight, I find out that I have to watch nine episodes before next Sunday. What in the heck are they trying to do to me?

3. Tomorrow night is the second-to-last episode of LOST. Six years of speculation is about to end, and one week from today, I'm either going to be very happy, very angry, or very confused. Either way, I can't believe it's almost over.

4. I don't know how everyone can do this sleep thing so well. My insomnia has been attacking me hard recently, and it really bothers me. Does everyone else struggle with sleep as much as I do?

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