Friday, June 10, 2011

Ultimate Opportunity

The Dallas Mavericks put together the below video, and it gives me chills. It's basically Dallas' greatest champions (mostly Cowboys but also Mike Modano, Nolan Ryan, and TCU's Gary Patterson, among others) telling the Mavericks' players and fans that they're at a moment of "ultimate opportunity." That, if they can win this series, they will be immortalized forever as champions. And that it's the responsibility of the players (and fans) to make sure that everyone does their part in order to succeed.

It's cheesy. But I think it's awesome. This town has thirsted for a championship since the Stars skated the Cup in 1999 (and for most fans, all the way back to the Cowboys' last title in 1996). We have passionate sports fans that have been denied year in and year out for twelve years. We lived through sick Eddie Belfour, selfish A-Rod, J.S. Giguere, Duncan and the Spurs, 13-3 and out in the first game, and years of Maverick collapses.

But if the Mavericks can win Sunday or Tuesday, we can finally breathe again. The monkey's been knocked off our bats. Now it just needs to be finished off or it will jump right back on.

We're here. The moment of ultimate opportunity. This is the Finals. And this is Dallas.

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