I've always been fascinated with dreams. The idea that our bodies are resting but our brains are active is very interesting to me. And dreams seem so mystical - they tell us stories that we weren't aware we could tell. Do they give us warnings for the future? Explanations of the mysteries of the past? Realizations for the present? Could they be messages from God? Or even messages from yourself? Or are they just random channel surfing your brain does waiting for you to wake up?
This dream has a lot to work with. My fear of having my home invaded is one of my biggest, and it was the "scariest" part of the dream for me. My car has already been stolen, and I'm always going to be worried about going out and finding the car not there. I also like that, even in my dreams, I'm a terrible shot.
But then there are the plot twists. The fact that my prime suspects ended up being my allies. The fact that the villain ended up being a voodoo Haitian. The fact that my old car - not the new one - was found.
Is there anything to take from this? Should I not move into a duplex? If I move into the neighborhood of a Haitian voodoo master, should I get better protection for my car? If my car gets stolen, should I forget the police and befriend the sketchy guys down the street?
My brain is weird. I've always known that. But this was just a weird story, and I felt like I needed to tell it.
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