Sunday, December 5, 2010

An Open Letter to the Clothing Industry

Good Morning,

I'm assuming that someone in the clothing industry reads this blog. If I'm correct, please pass this along to your president, emperor, or main dignitary when done reading.

I'm writing because I'm a little confused. When I'm doing my laundry, I'll often find the tag that tells me whether I should wash with hot water or cold water. I'm a pretty typical guy, and I'm not going to go too out of my way to wash my collection of polo shirts and t-shirts. But trying to be more adult, I figured I should at least follow instructions.

And for the majority of my clothes, the system works. Certain things have crazy extra requirements like turning a t-shirt with some kind of logo on it inside out. And I can do that, especially since t-shirts sometimes go inside out when I take them off anyway.

But I'm often distressed when I find the tag and don't see writing. I see these stupid symbols that I cannot decipher without assistance from the internet. And this is why I'm writing to you today..

I do my laundry early on Sunday morning. I do it Sunday because I grew up watching the NFL and Ashley grew up watching college. So he gets Saturday, I get Sunday. It's a system, and it works.

Early on Sunday morning, I want things to be simple. I have fantasy football to be concerned with and can't bother with your hieroglyphics. And to make matters worse, the main symbol I'm concerned with is in Celsius. Really, clothing industry? Now you want me to bring math into this? I need to take the temperature on the label, multiply it by 1.8, and then add 32? Really?

And 30 degrees Celsius means 86 degrees Fahrenheit. That, according to the internet, means cold. I realize the water on the "cold" setting is probably around that, but can't we use hyperbole for the issue of simplicity? Make 0 degrees Celsius mean cold? And 100 degrees mean hot? Who really cares how cold the water is when you're just going off "cold", "warm", or "hot"?

Please correct this with future clothes. Make it easy. And not for you - for me.


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