Thursday, December 23, 2010

Why the Hate?

I was driving into work the other day when I saw a car with three bumper stickers. I only remember two of them, but they all had the same theme.

- "1/20/13 - The End of An Error"
- "Proud of My Country, Ashamed of My President"
- Something else anti-Obama

And I couldn't help but giggle in confusion. Giggling because I can guarantee that three years ago, this guy would've vehemently argued that similar bumper stickers would've been worthy of treason charges. "You have to support your president!" Because you gotta think this guy had one of those "W: My President" bumper stickers on his car a few years ago.

Why is it okay to be ashamed of one president when you had to honor the last one? Because one wears a blue tie and one wears a red one.

I was confused...because what has Obama done to draw up so much hate? Bush, at the very least, started a war. When people die, other people get emotional. I can understand that, particularly when you start looking at the connections between George W. and his father. There's obviously more connection to the first Gulf War than to September 11. That would make people angry, and perhaps a bit ashamed.

But Obama? Isn't the biggest (and, from what I can see, the most apt) argument against Obama is that he isn't doing anything? So what has he done to draw hatred?

- Win the election?
- Win the Nobel Peace Prize?
- Be black?

Is it health care? The platform that was compromised to death and almost certainly will never pass in any form recognizable to the president. It can't be that, right?

What is it then? Are people mad that he isn't getting things done, despite the fact that the things he would be doing are liberal? It can't be that, right? Because you gotta think that this is a godsend for conservatives....they have a man in the office who is a strong liberal who had two years of a liberal Congress...and hasn't done a thing yet. At this point in Bush's presidency, we were already in two wars.

Can't we just pick a president that one side likes and the other side is okay with? Or are we too divided now? Where, no matter what, we're supposed to hate people from the other side? Where no one rallies around the president anymore, no matter what he does? Where we get mad at your guy because you were mean to our guy last time?

If that's the case, I think more people will become disillusioned to politics. Because if it's all about emotion, you're only going to have emotional people involved. And then nothing gets done.

1 comment:

  1. 1. There are very few people illusioned about politics, and those that are want to be fooled. No one will become disillusioned any time soon.

    2. Obama ran on a platform that the guy thought would ruin the country he loved, and bring about the downfall of America. He is pro-America, and sees Obama as someone trying to ruin a good thing. I may disagree, but I think his thought process is sound. You think your boss deserves respect if they are good, and when others disrespect a good boss, you talk about the importance of the position and the difficulties of leadership. When that boss is let go and a new guy comes in that you think is trying to ruin the company you love, you are glad he is failing and can't wait until his contract is up and you can move on.

    3. Politics in America was set up for 1776. It was the best government when it was created, but now the world has changed, and America with it. The government has not. Time for a tune-up, if not a major overhaul.

    4. All great societies end thusly. Rome, Greece, Europe, USA. I just hope we see the error of our ways when China and India start to eclipse us, and get back to what made our country great.
