Saturday, April 11, 2009

Goodbye to the Stars (aka Mike Ribeiro Rocks) is over in Dallas. It was a very rough year, and it makes me sad that it ended that way. Unlike the Cowboys missing the playoffs, I feel like the Stars have excuses. They both had high expectations, but the Hockey Gods were simply not shining on them this year. We still have a very young team, and I think we'll be extremely dangerous next year.

I'd like to end the year with two of the coolest goals I've seen in a while, and they both come from Mike Ribeiro. Ribeiro is one of the best players in the league, and I want to thank former GM Doug Armstrong for acquiring him for practically nothing a couple seasons ago. He's really blossomed in Dallas, and he's become a star in Dallas.

Goal One
Goal against Florida - I was there for this game...and we were on the opposite side. We knew there was a goal, but we had no idea how great it was. It was awesome as everyone on our side, little groups at a time, realized what had happened.

Goal Two
The game-winning shootout goal from the last win of the year. Absolutely sick.

Go Stars. We'll see you next season.

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