Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Two Quick Things

1. Tucker, Ashley, and I finished season two of The Wire tonight. Tuesday Wire Night is becoming one of my favorite nights of the week, and I very-much look forward to season three. I've already seen the series once, but it's been a lot of fun to watch the whole thing from the beginning again. It's just a wonderfully-done show...which is funny because it's a difficult show to get into, I think. But once you're in...

2. Tucker still owns me on the tennis court. I felt like he played decent tonight, and I played really well. And I think he beat me 9-5 tonight. I realize that's not how tennis is played, and I guess that means the actual score was 6-2, 3-3 and we just quit there.

The problem is that I just can't finish him off. We played a game today where I had the advantage like ten different times...and he ended up winning the game. I think I just get nervous and screw up...and since he has better court presence (and composure, for that matter), he can take advantage pretty easily.

The funny thing is that he brings out the best tennis in me...I don't play against other people nearly as well as I play against him. And I'd like to think that I'm bringing out the best in him too...

Maybe if I can add spin to my game. Because I do feel pretty good that I can keep up with him, and I basically have no spin in my game.

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