Monday, June 1, 2009


I found an old note tonight. It meant a lot to me back then, and I guess it still does. It's the only thing I kept. The only tangible thing, of course. As bad as my memory seems to be, it doesn't seem to know how to delete the things I want to go away. Just everything else.

I made a wish tonight. Well, actually, I made three. The first is the most unrealistic, but it makes the second two irrelevant. The second invalidates the third, but the third is still important.

The note is still in my desk. It doesn't make me smile anymore. But smiles are hard to come by these days.

I'm still here. I'm still waiting. I'm still hoping. And, apparently, I'm still wishing. Any of the three will do, but they're listed in order of importance. If there's enough magic in this world for me, I'm ready to use it.

Believe in me. It's the only way I'll exist.

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