Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Sad World We Live In

Yesterday, I was leaving Old Town (shopping area off Greenville) and a man approached me, asking me for a ride to Park Ln. He claimed that his brother had been in a car accident, and he didn't have another way to get there. He threw in, somewhere in the story, that he was a Christian.

I told him that I wasn't going anywhere near there (a true but relatively flimsy excuse), and I adamantly repeated it when he continued to beg.

And as I was driving away, I felt bad. Because that's the world we live in. I have to assume, no matter what, that his aim is to kill me and steal my car. The guy wasn't necessarily "creepy" looking, and he did look like he was upset. And I'm sure the odds are more likely that he was really in need of help than that he was a con artist.

But the con artists have ruined it for everyone. It is why we don't pick up hitchhikers anymore. Why we don't help people when their car breaks down on the side of the road.

Because there might come a time when you need help. Maybe your car breaks down out of cell phone range. And everyone's going to assume that you're a con artist or a murderer or a psychopath.

And that's sad.

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