Friday, June 12, 2009

Come With Me If You Want To Work

For real, I think the new girl at work is a robot. No one has ever seen her smile or show any emotion, and she walks a bit like I'd expect a robot to walk.

Ashley doesn't think we have the technology for such a thing, but this is a multi-billion dollar company. If any company on Earth is going to hire a robot to work in trade processing, it might be this one.

And maybe we didn't build her. I'm not saying Skynet did, but I'm also not counting it out completely. Maybe she was sent here to protect John Connor.

And I'm not saying I'm John Connor, but my mom said I was meant for greatness. And I think John Connor is pretty great.


  1. hahahahahhaa.

    Do you have a crush on this girl that does not smile? Even if she was a robot, would you date her?

  2. I don't date robots. Period.

  3. You just haven't met the right robot.
