Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Some Good Thoughts

1. Tucker, Ashley, and I are going to DC this weekend. Tucker and Ashley leave tomorrow, but I won't leave until Friday night because I couldn't get off work. It will suck to lose a couple days with the guys, but it will still be a really cool trip. Looking forward to it.

2. My Chem II class was cancelled because, apparently, there was only one other person in the class with me. After thinking about it long and hard, I decided to just take the $100+ refund and just take Biology this semester. I'll take Chem II and Biology II in the spring when I have less car issues and football distractions to worry about. The fact that I spent $200 on required textbooks (and I actually got them at a pretty good discount) probably didn't hurt.

3. There's the new one and the old one. Not sure how I feel about either.

4. I don't think my car situation is as bad as I thought it would be. It still sucks, but I think I'm going to come out of it positively. I think I've decided to take this as a bit of a rebirth. We'll see how long that optimism lasts.

5. First place Texas Rangers. Cowboys in Super Bowl discussions. TCU getting ready to start their season with high hopes. Sports = good right now.

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