Sunday, December 6, 2009

Horrible F-ing Weekend

This weekend sucked. Royally. I'll go ahead and get out of the way the fact that the Mavs, Stars, and Cowboys all lost their games. The Stars lost in a shootout so I guess they still got a point. The Mavs lost to the Hawks who are pretty solid. And the Cowboys are horrible in December. Their QB can't win in December, and their coach has never won in December. So that's not a surprise.

Let's talk about TCU. There were about five things that could have gone right for the them. None of them did.

And at the end of the day, we get Boise F'ing State again.

Are they kidding? Let's just start with the obvious. They're stuffing the two non-BCS teams in the same game, hoping that no one will notice and/or care. The BCS schools are tired of us beating them in big bowl games (we're 3-1), and they want us to beat up on each other.

And since we're both small schools, the attendence and ratings are going to be horrible. There's no way that such a game sells out the University of Phoenix Stadium, and no one is going to watch a couple of "no name" schools play each other. And I'm sure all the BCS big wigs are going to pay the Fiesta Bowl a pretty penny to make up for the lack of tickets and ratings - just so they can point to this game and say, "See! You guys don't draw. Why should we include you?"

It's a joke. An absolute joke. I know, for certain, that there are 2A Texas high schools that play harder schedules than Boise State. The WAC is the biggest joke in all of college football (moreso than the Sun Belt), and it's embarrassing to TCU that we have to play them. Because, honestly, it's a no-win scenario for us. If we win, we've beaten a glorified high school team. If we lose, we've lost to a glorified high school team.

Boise State and their horrible schedule, their dumb blue turf, and their stupid dumb face quarterback is everything that is wrong with the world. They do nothing to earn their spot, but they expect to be treated equally.

And I hope we slaughter them. Absolutely slaughter. To the point where they'll never be considered for a BCS bowl ever again. In fact, if I had my way, they'd have their football program disbanded at every level...including intramurals.

But I feel bad for the players and coaches at TCU because they have to play this team of high school punks. They go undefeated and this is their reward? It's an absolute joke, and I hope that everyone that helped make this decision lives to regret it.

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