Thursday, December 10, 2009

Odd Thoughts

1. Well, if I was looking for a sign...that was it.
2. On that note, why does that keep happening to me?
3. I was the only one who saw it. The only one who knew that it was Tommy driving the car. And to this day, it's the one thing I've never told anybody. I'm ashamed to be telling you now. Tommy never stole a car again, never did nothing, turned his whole life around. I mean he could've made it out, but he wasn't gonna let his brother be hurt again. And this was the day that changed Jimmy's life forever. Because Jimmy went to rehab. And Tommy? Tommy became everything he never wanted.
4. I'm really happy I didn't go to that Town Hall meeting. Although I still want the 31st off.
5. Shows I wanted to tape tonight? Six. Shows I successfully taped tonight? Zero.
6. I swear, I'm being haunted.
7. And just like's gone.