Thursday, February 24, 2011

Detox Day Nineteen

This isn't a diet's a personal challenge from the universe to myself. Can I go three weeks without anything but fish, chicken, turkey, and vegetables? And with two days and change left, I'm now very confident that I can. Just seven meals and less than 56 hours to go.

Because this isn't necessarily about being that much healthier, apparently. I had my health screening this morning, and my numbers aren't a whole lot better than they were in August. I realize it was only two and a half weeks, but any impact that I've had was simply fixing any damage I did in Delaware and over the holidays.

It isn't about a lifestyle change. I'm going to go back to eating, for the most part, the same diet I was eating before.

And it certainly isn't about helping my social life, as my friends have continually teased the fact that I can't eat anything...their reward for having to alter where they go when they eat with me.

It's just a challenge...can I do it? And if I ever think I need to do it again, will I have recorded evidence that I already did?

Because as annoying as this process started, it hasn't been terrible. It's been annoying to keep the kitchen stocked with fresh fish and vegetables (and expensive). It's been annoying to get up and force myself to drink a gross protein shake every morning. And it's been really annoying to see a bunch of delicious food that I can't eat. I imagine Sunday will be like the first meal after being sick for a while...way better than usual.

But I've also bought some Tums just in case my stomach disagrees.

I'm ready for it to be over. But I'm proud that I've been able to get through it. And I'm hopeful that I can alter certain things (soda consumption, beef consumption, sodium consumption, etc.) in favor of a healthier lifestyle.

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