Monday, February 7, 2011

Detox Day Two

I don't think this will be a regular, daily diary into what I'm doing on this diet, but I wanted to say that I hit a "wall" today. I'd read that it's very common for people on this diet to feel sluggish in the first few days with a headache. Well, that happened to me today. At the very end of the work day, I felt really sluggish with a decent headache. It was to the point where I really thought about taking a nap in my car just 25 minutes before my class was supposed to start.

With negative symptoms, I did what I do - I looked it up on the Internet. I read about the "myths" of a detox diet. How a lot of scientists don't think it does any good. And how some people think it can do harm. So I looked that up too....and a woman actually had a stroke doing a similar diet.

Ugh...why do I do that to myself?

But as soon as I got into class, I felt a little better. So maybe it's just a bit of a headache from the detoxification process, a complete lack of sugar and caffeine (perhaps I'm a bit addicted?), and a lack of sleep.

So I'm pushing ahead. Had more coconut oil, more cod liver oil, more fish, and more vegetables. Tomorrow, I'm supposed to eat out twice - for lunch and dinner. That should be interesting.

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