Friday, July 10, 2009

All Of These Make Sense In Context

1. The Stars just won the Stanley Cup! What a game!

2. I'm not sure how something can so definitively prove something and disprove the same thing at the same time. But it does.

3. WIMK?

4. It's funny because I don't care and they know it.

5. Most eagerly awaited tennis match of all time?

6. If not for so many different things, that probably would've worked.

7. Why would they make DVDs of games they lost?

8. I've watched that so many times that I've worn out the tape. I really need a digital copy.

9. I guess she was referencing my shirt. She was cute, though.

10. I don't know why I did that. And, honestly, I don't know what else I expected to happen.

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