Thursday, July 23, 2009

Some Rangers Thoughts

1. Ian Kinsler is really making me mad. He has to stop trying to hit home runs if he's going to be a leadoff hitter. And if he's going to be in a different part of the lineup, he has to mostly stop trying to hit home runs. I would institute a "Willie Mays Hayes" program with him - he hits the ball in the air, he has to do push ups. That way, he'll either stop hitting fly balls, or he'll be strong enough to get those last 10 feet that he can't get.

2. If Rudy Jaramillo isn't telling Kinsler what I just told him, he needs to be fired. That used to be Dallas heresy, but it's starting to get a lot more accepted.

3. If you would've told me that we would've gotten 15 innings out of Tommy Hunter, Dustin Nippert (Dusty Nipples), and Doug Mathis against the Red Sox...I would've said we would've been swept. We swept them. That's awesome.

4. I high-fived Michael Young by proxy. That's really awesome.

5. This team's will be there when it ends. But they're battling a red-hot Angels team and then the Boston/New York juggernauts for the Wild Card. It's going to be tough, but it should be fun.

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